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/ The SysOP's Companion / The SysOP's Companion (Tropical Publishing) (1993).ISO / misc / visx-097.zip

Archives (6)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
CHATSAMP.ZIP PKZip Archive 4 2KB 1992-10-07
DATA.ZIP PKZip Archive 13 63KB 1992-10-07
DSZ0411.ZIP PKZip Archive 16 84KB 1992-10-07
RYECMNUS.ZIP PKZip Archive 30 16KB 1992-10-07
STATSCRS.ZIP PKZip Archive 10 15KB 1992-10-07
UTILS.ZIP PKZip Archive 9 91KB 1992-10-07

Text (5)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
CONFIG.DAT Text File 1,041 23KB 1992-10-07
IOERROR.LST File List 48 1KB 1992-10-07
RELEASE.NFO Text File 27 1KB 1992-10-07
REVISION.TXT Text File 1,058 62KB 1992-10-07
VISION-X.DOX Text File 3,309 116KB 1992-10-07

Other Files (6)
(PROWL).COM MS-DOS COM Executable 4KB 1991-05-15
CONFIG.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 46KB 1992-10-07
FILENEW.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 5KB 1992-10-07
INSTALL.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 44KB 1992-10-07
VISION-X.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 114KB 1992-10-07
VISION-X.OVR Borland Overlay 414KB 1992-10-07